f.e.t.e's bamboo toothbrushes are a sustainable alternative to plastic toothbrushes and help combat the issue of waste in the environment.
The Purely Natural Pack contains four bamboo toothbrushes that are biodegradable, home compostable, and have recyclable bristles made from 63% plant-based materials.
Materials: bamboo and BPA-free recyclable bristles
Made by: f.e.t.e (from earth, to earth)
Made in: designed in the UK, made in Anji County, China (where the bamboo is grown)
Specifications: 2 bamboo toothbrushes with medium charcoal bristles and 2 bamboo toothbrushes with medium natural bristles
Packaging is 100% recycled, recyclable, biodegradable & home compostable.
f.e.t.e. toothbrushes can be composted, but because the bristles contain nylon, they need to be pulled out and thrown away in your general waste or taken to a facility that recycles nylon.
Further Reading: Bamboo is the worlds fastest naturally renewing resource and is also inherently anti-microbial, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. Which means it has no need for pesticides and is allowed to grow naturally. The bamboo is moso bamboo and is not eaten by pandas.