Loc-2 replaces the factory eccentric bolt and cam that holds the lower control arm to the frame. The eccentric is used for setting camber. When the eccentric is turned, the lower arm moves in or out changing camber (the tilt of the tire). If the eccentric slips or rotates going over bumps, your alignment is lost. This is the cause of many worn tires. The Loc-2 kit replaces the eccentric bolt and cam with plates. Each plate has three holes drilled in it and are numbered for different offsets. By flipping the plate you can get six different positions for alignment which is more than adequate. The beauty of the plate system is that they cannot slip. Alignment is maintained once it is set. Installation is simple and should be done when the car is being aligned.
Global West makes tubular a-arm kits featuring Del-a-lum bushings, which are the best in the industry and very popular. One of of these innovations is the Del-a-lum bushing, which was invented by Global West Suspension in 1982. The bushing was originally designed as a long term solution for suspension bushings, replacing polyurethane and rubber in stock control arms. Today, Del-a-lum bushings are used in all facets of racing, including stock car, and Del-a-lum bushings are standard in all Global West tubular control arms.
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